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Service form

Data of company making the complaint

Company name and address: *

Name and surname of person receiving complaint:

Phone to person receiving the complaint:

Date od purchase and invoice number in SANSWISS: *

Data of customer making the complaint

Name and surname: *

Telephone: *

E-mail address:

City: *

Post code:

Address: *

Information about the returned product

Date of acquisition of goods:*

Proof of sale:*

Product name and catalog number: *

Quantity of questioned goods:

Cause of complaint, an accurate description of defects: *

Time and circumstances of the occurrence of defects:

Location of the goods under complaint:

Request of the claimant: *
  • repair
  • exchange
  • service expertise
  • request of missing items
Customer declares that he applies the guarantee:
yes no
* Required fields

Conditions for complaints about SanSwiss products

SanSwiss shower enclosures consist of various types of security glass doors and aluminum profiles according to the manufacturer's catalog.
Product quality assurance is provided by the European Standard EN 14428: 2008 + A1 which sets out the conditions for fitting the shower cabin according to the manufacturer's specifications as well as a proper functioning of the product in use.
A number of norms ensure:
- unrestricted safety (European Standard EN12150),
- superior profile quality (European Standard EN 12220-1),
- high strength coatings (DIN EN ISO 2409 standard).
All materials used are environmentally friendly and do not pose any health hazards.
The warranty period for shower enclosure is 5 years from the date of invoicing, except for Ocelia where the warranty is 2 years.

Shower trays meet all the requirements of EU standard EN 14527: 2006, which sets the standard of shower trays.
The warranty term for shower trays is 3 years from the date of invoicing.
The supplier will be exempt from the warranty obligation if the delivery object will be:
- Improperly used by the customer or by third parties,
- will be mistakenly installed or put into service inappropriately,
- wrong, lenient or
- inadequately maintained.
We grant a 10-year warranty for spare parts delivery, except for normally used components (gaskets, magnets, etc.)
The seller is not responsible for defects resulting from improper handling, hitting, improper storage, use of improper cleaning materials, or faulty installation.
In case of defects occurring during the warranty period, the buyer will contact the distributor.
Any claim must be accompanied by the original purchase invoice.
